School Agenda:  Child’s Place

Lesson Plan                                                                 Class: VPK/ 4 year olds

Date Language


Literacy Manipulative


Large Muscle





Introduce the letter U with Unger Unicorn

Read   Wishing for Vegetable By: Judy Mullican

Make an Upside down Unger mobile Skill  10

Cut pictures of farm animals

Introduce the nickel and the value of a nickel

Act like farmers

Make an umbrella using the letter U Learn about farm animals Create a farm



Explore words that start with U

Read Farmer Sam’s Busy Day By: Sara Hensley

Do you like unicorns and why? Journal

Cut pictures out of farm animals

Introduce the dime and the value of a dime

Move like   unicorn Draw a picture of a unicorn Are unicorns real?

Continue to create a farm



Explore the short and long vowel sounds of U

Read Rebus U Rhyme

Make the Rebus U Rhyme
Skill 12

Sort nickels and dimes

Count 20 coins

Move like bugs

Make a picture of a garden

What bugs do you find in a farm or in a garden?

Review long and short vowel sounds Skill  13



Review shapes

Read Old McDonald had a farm By: Child’s Play

Make a set of U pictures Skill  11

Look for bugs in the magazine or newspaper and cut them out

Introduce the quarter and the value of a quarter

Look for bugs outside

Use bug shaped stamp Continue talking about bugs that live in the garden

Finish creating a farm


Review letter U

Read   Wishing for Vegetable By: Judy Mullican

Glue pictures of bugs in the journal and write two sentences.

Finish looking for bugs in the magazine or newspaper and cut them out

Review the dime and quarter and their values

Continue looking for bugs outside

Make a Mud Pie

Cooking activity: Making

Mud Pies
Who’s There, Fuzzy Bear? By: Sally Doherty